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newborn baby girl lying on a lace blanket

Preparing for your newborn session

Preparing for your newborn session

Thank you for booking your newborn photos with me, I know that there are a number of choices available to you and I want you to know that I appreciate your decision to book with me.


I'm looking forward to your session, I have tried to include as much information as possible here, however if you have any questions at all please feel free to contact me.


Your newborn session will take place at my warm and comfy studio at our small farm in Taieri Mouth, I have attached directions further on in this info guide, please check these and print them out or copy and paste to your phone notes.​


  • Please don't use oil on baby's face or dry skin as it makes them shiny in the photos. I will edit baby's skin if there is acne, spots or peeling skin.

  • Please feed baby just enough to get them into their carseat, once you arrive they can have a good long feed.

  • I have all of the props, wraps and clothes that we need for the session

  • Please feel free to bring special objects you want included (baby blanket, small soft toy, cultural items)

  • Please bring baby's dummy if you use one, they really help with unsettled babies. I understand that if baby is breastfed you may not use one and I fully support all and any choices you make.

  •  I have brand new packaged dummies here (and a steriliser) for older babies (4 weeks +) who won't settle, I will offer it as an option, but it is your choice on the day. Once feeding is established a session with a dummy will not affect the breastfeeding relationship.

  • Siblings - the studio can be very boring, please bring snacks and water for older children.

  • If possible please bring a helper or arrive in two cars so that one partner or a helper can take the older child(ren) home or to the park or beach. I understand this is not always possible. Please bring some activities, water and snacks for your child in this case, as the studio contains some equipment that can be dangerous for them if they aren't settled.

  • If you would like to use my client wardrobe, you are welcome to - please let me know.

  • I have a number of pretty dresses up to size 10-12 for girls 

  • I have overalls and shirts for boys up to size 7

  • Mums -

  • the gallery here shows some of the dresses that are

  • available for you - I have a big range of sizes

  • Unfortunately we have nothing for Dads yet (one day!)



Family photos are included in all sessions.



  • Baby's age: this depends on your family and how you are all feeling. Let me know when baby arrives so I know to keep my calendar open. If you can get in here when baby is 5 days old great! If you can't that's fine too! Two weeks is my sweet spot, three to four weeks is good, five to six we just need to adjust our expectations a little, but beautiful photos will still happen.

  • All babies are different. Some 7 day old babies will sleep through a tornado and let me pose them however I like, others are super sensitive, don't like being undressed and can stay awake for hours. Some 7 week old babies will crash out milk drunk and pose like a newborn, others are already rolling over and are not interested in anything I want them to do.

  • Please accept your baby for who they are.

  • We WILL get beautiful photos of your child...they just may not be the photos you expect. They will be the photos of who your baby is right now, and that is special beyond measure <3


What happens during the session?


We usually start with family photos, as everyone is still quite cool (the studio is kept very warm for baby's comfort) and baby is usually happy.


You are welcome to wear something from my client wardrobe if you wish (photos above)


I will wrap baby for family photos, years of experience has taught me that a wrapped baby  1) is easier to hold and pose with and 2) looks more comfortable.


Usually baby is fed or given their dummy (if used) at this stage, so that they can relax after being changed and wrapped.

I then place baby in the props or setups you have chosen, and include any siblings.

We then move on to the blanket and either pose baby or guide them into their own poses.

Finally we undress baby (down to their nappy) and do the hands on poses or take macro (close up) photos of baby's features depending on what you have requested.

Baby is always handed back to you if they are unhappy or need a feed. They are in your arms or mine at least 90% of the time.


What to bring:​

  • I have loads of little outfits, hats etc in different styles and colours, but bring any clothes you want to include in photos.

  • Water bottles and snacks for parents and older children

  • nappies, wipes, milk supply, dummy (if used)

  • special family items and taonga that you wish to include in photos e.g. hand knit shawl, small toys etc.


What to wear:

  • Solid colours are best, please avoid large prints and shirts with pictures as these detract from baby.

  • Light or dark colours are fine - choose what suits you, soft pastels and neutrals are timeless and tend to work best at showcasing baby - so beiges, soft greys and creams are nice.

  • Jeans or chinos and a white t-shirt or button down shirt is the perfect Dad outfit.

  • Try to co-ordinate with your partner and children - choose 2-3 colours and ensure everyone is wearing one, two or three. 

  • Keep it simple, wear clothes you feel good in, that represent your style and that co-ordinate (so don't wear activewear if your husband is wearing a suit and tie!).

  • Please ensure that your clothing looks the way you want it to in photos, I cannot photoshop creases, bra straps etc. You are welcome to wear one of my gowns or boho style dresses.


What if:

  • My baby won't sleep? Most babies who have been fed, changed and burped will sleep eventually. I have lots of tricks to help them relax and doze off. I am very happy for baby to be awake, so long as they are happy.

  • My baby cries the whole time and and we don't get photos? This has never happened :-)

  • I am too tired to get my hair and make up done, or change out of my sweatshirt and track pants? All good, the way I photograph you and your baby we won't see those things, we will see the love you have for your partner and baby, and theirs for you.

  • My baby has spots and flakey skin? Should I put the session off until those have gone? No! I will edit your photos so that these are barely noticeable. Please do not oil baby's skin as that makes it very shiny in the photos.

  • My baby poops on your props? Thats what babies do, thats why everything is washable , why I wear a uniform and why we keep nappies on as much as possible!

  • My two year old is upset about the baby and won't have photos with them? That is siblings for you...I will work with your child to find some way that they will agree to photos with baby, however please don't expect beaming smiles if your child is still getting used to baby, just having the two of them close is amazing.



After your session, I will get to work on culling your images down to the very best of the best , then editing those images and getting them up into your gallery. Once they're ready, I'll be in touch with a link to your gallery.


You can choose to purchase digital files (soft copies), prints and products. There is no minimum purchase, I don't ask you back to the studio to choose (unless this something that you wish to do).







Directions to my studio

Taieri Mouth is approximately a half hour drive from Dunedin or Balclutha, you can take the coast road from Dunedin (which is very pretty) or the main highway.


We are at 113 Chaplin Road Taieri Mouth.


Chaplin Rd is halfway between Waihola and Taieri Mouth, off Finlayson Rd (the main rd between Waihola and T Mouth) if you programme 813 Finlayson Rd into your maps app, Chaplin Road is straight across the road.


So, you are on Chaplin Rd - we are about 1.13 km straight down the road, there's a sign outside that says "Copperhead Farm" with my signage below it, drive down to the carpark behind the house and I'll meet you there!


Thank you once again for booking!



021 834 810

Chaplin rd map
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